Renaissance team building:
Create new stories and unity

King Frederik II spent twelve years building Kronborg Castle, but in one afternoon you can strengthen the sense of community in your company. Kronborg Castle's team building courses bring you closer to both history and each other. Together with Kronborg, you can plan a customized Renaissance-themed day where you can try your hand at, among other things:

  • Archery

  • Fencing

  • Renaissance song and dance

  • Dressing up

  • Rope pulling

  • Horseshoe box

Teambuilding can be combined with a number of our other offers such as communal dining or Afternoon Tea.

Contact us by filling in this form

Conference & Event Manager at Kronborg
Petra Sandén Azzi
Phone: +45 49 25 03 04 / +45 41 20 66 42

Thomas Münster-Swendsen
Phone: +45 41 20 61 69 69